Conversations about dating @ The Hive
Together with The Millennial Crisis, we got together to talk about dating - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Hydrated by Naked Life 💦
What did we learn?
We are all contributing to the problem
Whether it's ghosting, or placing unfair restrictions and extreme expectations on others - after some self-reflection, it's clear we are prone to adopting some of the worst habits we see. By reflecting on our behaviours, we can become more empathetic daters.
We all feel the same frustrations and know there has to be a better way.
The experience of dating app fatigue is real. With the epidemic of "time wasters" and "non-responders", singles associate a lot of labour with dating today. Everyone knows the system is broken and needs to be shaken up in order to work for them.
Dating has changed in our lifetime but we want the best of old and new.
Millennials and Gen Z have grown up with technology and social media. We've seen the rise of online dating firsthand, virtually dated through the pandemic, and now we're seeing a change in human behaviour as a result. People stick to themselves and are less likely to talk to a stranger - which by the way is now "weird" - even though 95% still want an IRL meet cute.